What Is True Success? What does success mean to people? To most people, success can mean different things. But can anyone really find the real meaning of true success that will apply to all the people? Success is about discovering and implementing the ‘Will of God’ in your life, as well as your Divine purpose, the reason why a person has been created. Each individual has a destiny to be fulfilled. All people actually have been sent on earth for a reason, a purpose. Regardless of how people got here, God already knew that they’re coming and God has fashioned a purpose and plan for their lives. Read Why People Fail At Success in Today's World What Does The Bible Teaches People About True Success? Attracting success is all about the application of the spiritual principles, which if activated by their decisions will produce excellent effect. These essential spiritual principles are all given by the Almighty God and were written in God’s word, which is the Bible. ...
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