Getting what you want is success; and success is an effect, coming from the application of a cause. Success is essentially the same in all cases; the difference is the things the successful people want but not in the success. The cause of success is always in the person who succeeds; you will see that this must be true, because if the cause of success were in nature, outside the person, then all persons similarly situated would succeed. The cause of Success is some power within you; you have the power to develop any power to a limitless extent; for there is no end to mental growth; you can increase the strength of this power indefinitely, and so you can make it strong enough to do what you want to do, and get what you want to get; when it is strong enough you can learn how to apply it to the work, and therefore, you can certainly succeed. All you have to do is learn what is the cause of Success, and how it must be applied. The Powerful Tool That Causes Success It is ACTIVE POWER-CONSCI...
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