Getting what you want is success; and success is an effect, coming from the application of a cause. Success is essentially the same in all cases; the difference is the things the successful people want but not in the success. The cause of success is always in the person who succeeds; you will see that this must be true, because if the cause of success were in nature, outside the person, then all persons similarly situated would succeed. The cause of Success is some power within you; you have the power to develop any power to a limitless extent; for there is no end to mental growth; you can increase the strength of this power indefinitely, and so you can make it strong enough to do what you want to do, and get what you want to get; when it is strong enough you can learn how to apply it to the work, and therefore, you can certainly succeed. All you have to do is learn what is the cause of Success, and how it must be applied.
The Powerful Tool That Causes Success
Power-Consciousness is what you feel when you know that you can do a thing and know HOW to do the thing. If I can cause you to know that you can succeed, and to know that you know HOW to succeed, I have placed success within your grasp; for if you know that you can do it, it is impossible that you should fail to do it, if you really try. When you are in full Power Consciousness, you will approach the task in an absolutely successful frame of mind. Every thought will be a successful thought, every action is a successful action; and if every thought and action is successful, the sum total of all your actions cannot be failure.
Having read this, you must believe that it is possible for you to succeed but it is not enough for you to believe that you can; you must know that you can. People fail because they think objectively, that they can do things but do not know that they can do them. The moment you think and know you can, success is at your very door step. Practice the following mental exercise several times a day and especially before going to sleep. Hold this consciousness, and say with deep, earnest feeling: "I CAN SUCCEED! All that is possible to anyone is possible to me. I AM SUCCESSFUL. I do succeed, for I am full of the Power of Success."
This is the simple truth. Realize that it is true, and repeat it over and over until your mentality is saturated through and through with the knowledge that YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO
Having filled your mentality with Faith that you can get what you want, you know that you can do it if you proceed in the right way: the next question is which is the right way?
This much is certain; to get move, you must make constructive use of what you have. You cannot use what you have not; therefore, your problem is how to make the most constructive use of what you already have. Do not waste any time considering how you would use certain things if you had them; consider simply, how to use what you have. It is also certain that you will progress more rapidly if you make the most perfect use of what you have.
You must also do, perfectly, all that you can do now, and it is the law that by doing perfectly all that you can do now you will become able to do later things which you cannot do now. The doing to perfection of one thing now variably provides us with the equipment for doing the next larger thing, because it is a principle inherent in nature that life continually advance.
Facts To Keep You In Success Check
Firstly, do perfectly all that you can do now, keep on doing it perfectly until the doing of it becomes so easy that you have surplus power left doing it; then by this surplus power, you will get a hold on the work of a higher plane.
Get into a business which will use your strongest faculties, even if you must commence at the bottom, then develop those faculties at the utmost. If you wish to extend your present business, remember that you can only do it by doing in the most perfect manner the business you already have.
You can obtain what you want only by applying your faculties to your work and your environment; you become able to apply your faculties successfully by acquiring Power Consciousness and you go forward by a concentration on today's work and by doing perfectly everything that can be done at the present time.
Do not desire for today what is beyond your ability to get today; but be sure you get today the very best that can be had. Never take less than the very best that can be had at the present time, but do not waste energy by desiring what cannot be had at the present time.
If you always have the best that can be had, you will continue to have better and better things, because it is a fundamental at principle in the universe that life shall continuously move into more life. But if you are satisfied with less than the best that can be had, you will cause to move forward.
The Powerful Tool That Causes Success
Power-Consciousness is what you feel when you know that you can do a thing and know HOW to do the thing. If I can cause you to know that you can succeed, and to know that you know HOW to succeed, I have placed success within your grasp; for if you know that you can do it, it is impossible that you should fail to do it, if you really try. When you are in full Power Consciousness, you will approach the task in an absolutely successful frame of mind. Every thought will be a successful thought, every action is a successful action; and if every thought and action is successful, the sum total of all your actions cannot be failure.
Having read this, you must believe that it is possible for you to succeed but it is not enough for you to believe that you can; you must know that you can. People fail because they think objectively, that they can do things but do not know that they can do them. The moment you think and know you can, success is at your very door step. Practice the following mental exercise several times a day and especially before going to sleep. Hold this consciousness, and say with deep, earnest feeling: "I CAN SUCCEED! All that is possible to anyone is possible to me. I AM SUCCESSFUL. I do succeed, for I am full of the Power of Success."
This is the simple truth. Realize that it is true, and repeat it over and over until your mentality is saturated through and through with the knowledge that YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO
Having filled your mentality with Faith that you can get what you want, you know that you can do it if you proceed in the right way: the next question is which is the right way?
This much is certain; to get move, you must make constructive use of what you have. You cannot use what you have not; therefore, your problem is how to make the most constructive use of what you already have. Do not waste any time considering how you would use certain things if you had them; consider simply, how to use what you have. It is also certain that you will progress more rapidly if you make the most perfect use of what you have.
You must also do, perfectly, all that you can do now, and it is the law that by doing perfectly all that you can do now you will become able to do later things which you cannot do now. The doing to perfection of one thing now variably provides us with the equipment for doing the next larger thing, because it is a principle inherent in nature that life continually advance.
Facts To Keep You In Success Check
Firstly, do perfectly all that you can do now, keep on doing it perfectly until the doing of it becomes so easy that you have surplus power left doing it; then by this surplus power, you will get a hold on the work of a higher plane.
Get into a business which will use your strongest faculties, even if you must commence at the bottom, then develop those faculties at the utmost. If you wish to extend your present business, remember that you can only do it by doing in the most perfect manner the business you already have.
You can obtain what you want only by applying your faculties to your work and your environment; you become able to apply your faculties successfully by acquiring Power Consciousness and you go forward by a concentration on today's work and by doing perfectly everything that can be done at the present time.
Do not desire for today what is beyond your ability to get today; but be sure you get today the very best that can be had. Never take less than the very best that can be had at the present time, but do not waste energy by desiring what cannot be had at the present time.
If you always have the best that can be had, you will continue to have better and better things, because it is a fundamental at principle in the universe that life shall continuously move into more life. But if you are satisfied with less than the best that can be had, you will cause to move forward.
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