There are 6 things we have to consciously start doing. Now I’ll show you how you can achieve each of them in details.

1. STOP Setting New Year Resolutions…
START New Month Resolutions Instead. How often have you set New Year resolutions just to fall shortly after 1–2 months. Start making monthly resolutions.
You can also commit to monthly challenges
1) no movies,
2) daily meditation,
3) quit social media,
4) read daily for 30 mins.
Action steps:
1. Write down all your goals and projects you want to tackle.
2. Rate all your goals against each other until you can pick ONE that could have the most impact.
3. Ensure that the goal is specific and you are able to complete it within 30–90 days. Now split it into small action steps, create mini-deadlines and get them done.
2. Write down your goals
The first thing you do in the morning will determine what your day is going to be like. Program your mind to be in a powerful state from the moment upon waking, and you are guaranteed to have a productive and great day. How you can do this is by writing your goals down, every morning. Then, once you’ve done that, circle the most important goal, the goal that in the long-term will have the most impact on your life.
Now ask yourself this question: “What actions can I make today that will change everything and take me closer to this goal? ”
Write down all the actions you can think of , circle the two most important ones and start doing them. Don’t stop until it’s done. This is an extremely powerful method of getting in the right state first thing in the morning. Instead of wandering around half-dead and spending 30 minutes to wake up, you are hacking your mind to be productive.
Another powerful reason for writing down your goals is that by reading them it makes us feel good, write them as if they’re already accomplished. You’re
already there.
Re-reading and re-writing them every morning will ensure you to be in a resourceful state where you act based on your goals. You will make conscious decisions throughout the day that will support your goals and take you closer to them.
3. Create a powerful belief system
Ask any successful person what their number one rule for succeeding is. They all have this in common: They believe in themselves and what they’re doing, and they are not afraid to say it. If you don’t believe in yourself, why would anyone else?
When people ask you about your goals in life, don’t be afraid to say it out loud. If you have high goals, they might laugh and look at you funny. But if you’re insecure about your goals, you will make insecure decisions that will lead you nowhere. Go against the grain, stand out. After all, how many people in the world today are actually living the dream? Now, how many of these people will respond something in the likes of “I don’t know” if you ask what their goals are?
Be determined and believe in yourself. People will respect you for having the guts for going after what you truly desire. I once heard a story about a guy that worked in a
video store. Every day he would bring two magazines to work, one was an entrepreneur magazine and the other was a magazine loaded with expensive and
fast-riding cars. His boss would ask him why he was bringing these magazines to work every day and his answer was: “I’m picking out the car I’m going to buy.” The response from the boss was like most average minds saying he was killing himself thinking like that, he would never ever get that car and would just end up disappointed when it never happened. Turned out, the guy later quit the job at the video store and followed his dream. Some years later he return to the video store to return a video, and he did so in the car he picked out from the magazine. The same people were working in the store as the day he used to work there. Now can you imagine thelooks on their faces when he turned up in the car they said he never ever would get? Priceless. And it all started by creating a powerful belief system.
The first step to living and achieving your dream is to believe it and imagine it . When you believe in your mind that you’ve already achieved your goals, you will develop a sense of certainty. That certainty will lead to action steps, when you know what the outcome is going to be it’s much easier to pick out the actions that are necessary to get there. You are certain you will live in the body you want. You are certain you will live in the dream house with the dream family. You are certain you will have the job you want, and earn the money you believe you’re worth. By constantly repeating in your mind the images of yourself succeeding, you create neural pathways in the brain. Your mind can’t tell the difference between what you vividly imagine and the reality. Go out and day dream. Go out and believe, imagine already living your dreams and goals. With enough
repetition, you become certain that this is the only outcome and you work backwards to find ways for making it happen.
ALSO READ: 10 Powerful Ways to Ensure Success In Your Career
The next step in personal success that will lead to lifesuccess and happiness is to..
4. Invest in yourself
A wise man was once asked what the best possible investment someone could make. His answer was short, sweet and simple: “Invest In Yourself.” The man’s name is Warren Buffett. He is known as the world’s greatest investor. According to Forbes, he has a net worth of $53.5 Billion. Hiring a personal coach, getting a membership at a gym, buying healthy foods, books and education are not expenses. They are investments: investments is yourself. Some things you can do today to invest in yourself are:
Go to the gym and train . Physical training releases endorphins and makes you feel great. It increases productivity and energy levels. By investing time in the gym, you’ll be better able to handle daily tasks and what life throws at you. Forty-five to fifty minutes is all you need, it’s actually the best time to shoot for in a workout.
Eat good food. When you go to the grocery store after work, ask yourself: “What foods will nourish my mind and body to feel and perform better?”You are setting yourself up for greatness and consciously making yourself aware of what foods will empower you, therefore make better decisions.
Start reading books . Everyone buys books, but very few actually reads them cover to cover.
Stop reading books and start studying them . Few read the books they buy, but even fewer remembers what they read. Stop reading books and start studying books.
Study at least one hour a day. “One hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within three years. Within five years you’ll be a national authority. In seven years, you can be one of thebest people in the world at what you do.” – Brian Tracy
Take notes. Never leave home without a pen and a piece of paper. The best ideas often comes in the least appropriate times, write them down. Don’t trust your mind to remember them—it won’t. Writing it down right away will also allow your mind to store and come up with more ideas. Nowadays, you can use plenty of notes-taking apps for taking notes.
Learn a new skill. Learn something new every day, a new skill or a new word. One new skill every day equals 365 new skills a year. Now imagine where you could be a year from now if you start doing it today?
Do something for yourself. Yes, hard work is a major factor for succeeding, but at least once per month do something fun, something outrageous and spontaneous that makes you feel alive. Have fun and enjoy yourself.
5. Make prayer a habit. This is a very important key to success. It's goes beyond the natural and makes crooked way striaght spiritual. The spiritual controls the physical and thereby prayer open the door to uncontrollable success in your life. Successful have time when they communicate with God to rain down ideas for the season. Personally, prayer has been one of the keys that made me successful as a writer.
6. Never forget to always live a praise life. This means being grateful for the past, present and future. It helps to form what has not been into reality.
ALSO READ: 15 Habits to Make You Mentally Strong
The crucial rule to follow
The last piece of advice and rule to follow: Keep on, keeping on. Sometimes things get hard and the road seems too long. You just have to keep on, keeping on. Revisit your goals and start imagining, all of the sudden you’ve changed your state and you’re on the right track again. The track that will take you to greatness.
Use these keys to create your destiny and achieve what you want in 2019. Go get it.

1. STOP Setting New Year Resolutions…
START New Month Resolutions Instead. How often have you set New Year resolutions just to fall shortly after 1–2 months. Start making monthly resolutions.
You can also commit to monthly challenges
1) no movies,
2) daily meditation,
3) quit social media,
4) read daily for 30 mins.
Action steps:
1. Write down all your goals and projects you want to tackle.
2. Rate all your goals against each other until you can pick ONE that could have the most impact.
3. Ensure that the goal is specific and you are able to complete it within 30–90 days. Now split it into small action steps, create mini-deadlines and get them done.
2. Write down your goals
The first thing you do in the morning will determine what your day is going to be like. Program your mind to be in a powerful state from the moment upon waking, and you are guaranteed to have a productive and great day. How you can do this is by writing your goals down, every morning. Then, once you’ve done that, circle the most important goal, the goal that in the long-term will have the most impact on your life.
Now ask yourself this question: “What actions can I make today that will change everything and take me closer to this goal? ”
Write down all the actions you can think of , circle the two most important ones and start doing them. Don’t stop until it’s done. This is an extremely powerful method of getting in the right state first thing in the morning. Instead of wandering around half-dead and spending 30 minutes to wake up, you are hacking your mind to be productive.
Another powerful reason for writing down your goals is that by reading them it makes us feel good, write them as if they’re already accomplished. You’re
already there.
Re-reading and re-writing them every morning will ensure you to be in a resourceful state where you act based on your goals. You will make conscious decisions throughout the day that will support your goals and take you closer to them.
3. Create a powerful belief system
Ask any successful person what their number one rule for succeeding is. They all have this in common: They believe in themselves and what they’re doing, and they are not afraid to say it. If you don’t believe in yourself, why would anyone else?
When people ask you about your goals in life, don’t be afraid to say it out loud. If you have high goals, they might laugh and look at you funny. But if you’re insecure about your goals, you will make insecure decisions that will lead you nowhere. Go against the grain, stand out. After all, how many people in the world today are actually living the dream? Now, how many of these people will respond something in the likes of “I don’t know” if you ask what their goals are?
Be determined and believe in yourself. People will respect you for having the guts for going after what you truly desire. I once heard a story about a guy that worked in a
video store. Every day he would bring two magazines to work, one was an entrepreneur magazine and the other was a magazine loaded with expensive and
fast-riding cars. His boss would ask him why he was bringing these magazines to work every day and his answer was: “I’m picking out the car I’m going to buy.” The response from the boss was like most average minds saying he was killing himself thinking like that, he would never ever get that car and would just end up disappointed when it never happened. Turned out, the guy later quit the job at the video store and followed his dream. Some years later he return to the video store to return a video, and he did so in the car he picked out from the magazine. The same people were working in the store as the day he used to work there. Now can you imagine thelooks on their faces when he turned up in the car they said he never ever would get? Priceless. And it all started by creating a powerful belief system.
The first step to living and achieving your dream is to believe it and imagine it . When you believe in your mind that you’ve already achieved your goals, you will develop a sense of certainty. That certainty will lead to action steps, when you know what the outcome is going to be it’s much easier to pick out the actions that are necessary to get there. You are certain you will live in the body you want. You are certain you will live in the dream house with the dream family. You are certain you will have the job you want, and earn the money you believe you’re worth. By constantly repeating in your mind the images of yourself succeeding, you create neural pathways in the brain. Your mind can’t tell the difference between what you vividly imagine and the reality. Go out and day dream. Go out and believe, imagine already living your dreams and goals. With enough
repetition, you become certain that this is the only outcome and you work backwards to find ways for making it happen.
ALSO READ: 10 Powerful Ways to Ensure Success In Your Career
The next step in personal success that will lead to lifesuccess and happiness is to..
4. Invest in yourself
A wise man was once asked what the best possible investment someone could make. His answer was short, sweet and simple: “Invest In Yourself.” The man’s name is Warren Buffett. He is known as the world’s greatest investor. According to Forbes, he has a net worth of $53.5 Billion. Hiring a personal coach, getting a membership at a gym, buying healthy foods, books and education are not expenses. They are investments: investments is yourself. Some things you can do today to invest in yourself are:
Go to the gym and train . Physical training releases endorphins and makes you feel great. It increases productivity and energy levels. By investing time in the gym, you’ll be better able to handle daily tasks and what life throws at you. Forty-five to fifty minutes is all you need, it’s actually the best time to shoot for in a workout.
Eat good food. When you go to the grocery store after work, ask yourself: “What foods will nourish my mind and body to feel and perform better?”You are setting yourself up for greatness and consciously making yourself aware of what foods will empower you, therefore make better decisions.
Start reading books . Everyone buys books, but very few actually reads them cover to cover.
Stop reading books and start studying them . Few read the books they buy, but even fewer remembers what they read. Stop reading books and start studying books.
Study at least one hour a day. “One hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within three years. Within five years you’ll be a national authority. In seven years, you can be one of thebest people in the world at what you do.” – Brian Tracy
Take notes. Never leave home without a pen and a piece of paper. The best ideas often comes in the least appropriate times, write them down. Don’t trust your mind to remember them—it won’t. Writing it down right away will also allow your mind to store and come up with more ideas. Nowadays, you can use plenty of notes-taking apps for taking notes.
Learn a new skill. Learn something new every day, a new skill or a new word. One new skill every day equals 365 new skills a year. Now imagine where you could be a year from now if you start doing it today?
Do something for yourself. Yes, hard work is a major factor for succeeding, but at least once per month do something fun, something outrageous and spontaneous that makes you feel alive. Have fun and enjoy yourself.
5. Make prayer a habit. This is a very important key to success. It's goes beyond the natural and makes crooked way striaght spiritual. The spiritual controls the physical and thereby prayer open the door to uncontrollable success in your life. Successful have time when they communicate with God to rain down ideas for the season. Personally, prayer has been one of the keys that made me successful as a writer.
6. Never forget to always live a praise life. This means being grateful for the past, present and future. It helps to form what has not been into reality.
ALSO READ: 15 Habits to Make You Mentally Strong
The crucial rule to follow
The last piece of advice and rule to follow: Keep on, keeping on. Sometimes things get hard and the road seems too long. You just have to keep on, keeping on. Revisit your goals and start imagining, all of the sudden you’ve changed your state and you’re on the right track again. The track that will take you to greatness.
Use these keys to create your destiny and achieve what you want in 2019. Go get it.
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