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How to Hear From God ( 5 Powerful Ways)

Hearing From God
A lot of Christians has been born again for many years but still don't hear from God. If you are that type ,Glory to God, having read this post, He will speak to you right now. Hearing from God is simply God giving you direction or telling you what and what not to do. It is exciting when you have a mutual relationship with God and he speaks to you one on one. In Gen. 2&3 explains the relationship between God and Adam. God had a very intimate communication with Adam. All the instructions given to Adam by God was done in a one one conversation. When sin came into existence, the cord was broken and direct communication with God seized. That's why now, we must have a true  relationship with God through the Jesus in truth and spirit to hear from him. My prayer is as you read this, God will speak to you in Jesus Name. Amen!

You cannot live a successful Christian life if you don't hear from God. Apart being a pastor or a priest unto God, you still need to hear from God in your career, your work, marriage, family etc. This is very necessary for every man because it makes our life journey easier and faster.
Personally, I have come to realize that hearing from God gives you a edge in life, it makes you have focus ( know what and what not to do), it directs your steps in life, above all, it keeps you in constant relationship with God. I live my life only how he wants me to. I have given up self and flesh to an extent if God does not tell me what to do, I do nothing. So far, I have been able to have and maintain a stable communication with my father and it has been awesome. I know you'll be wondering the magic or method I used. Hey! It's no magic! God knows his people and therefore you worship him in truth and spirit, he tells you every single thing you need to know.

I want to state here the ways you can audibly hear from God on a daily basis. These ways I applied them and God speaks to me always.
God speaks through His Word

1. God speaks to you through His Word.

They Word of God (Bible) is a key to hearing from God. He gave men inspiration to write the word. Every aspects of life can be seen in his word be it marriage, family, oil and gas, agriculture, banking and finance, education, sports, indor and outdoor activities, politics, religion, etc. so you see God's word is the best and life transforming book I have ever seen in my whole life now and forever. In other words, you can never be stranded when you have his Word. We are too focus on reading newspaper, magazine and the rest, yeah it is right reading them as well but studying the bible brings you closer to God and there He speaks to you.

The big question is how do I hear God through his word?
-Read, not just read only, you study and take time to medidate on what you've read. Joshua 1:8 1:8 "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success".
He opens the eyes of your understand that you may know according to Eph 1:18 1:18 "The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints".

All you need is one word from God and that one word is gotten from the bible (His Word).
I hear God speak to me from his word. Each time I study, I get new revelation and instruction for the day, my heart is opened and my mind renewed. He uses the bible to teach me things literally I don't know.
You want to hear from God, make his word your daily guide! Never forget to have a book and pen close to you during your study so you write whatever He tells you!

               ALSO READ:

How to Know God's Will for you
How to Know God ( 3 Powerful Ways)  

He speaks through Prayers
2. He speaks through Prayers.

We neglect this a lot and it hinders us in hearing from God. Prayer is another way God speaks to his people. Take time to pray and after praying, sit quietly and wait for God to speak to you. There are mysteries and hidden things about yourself, family, career, destiny you don't know, prayer is a key that reveals them. God has principles of speaking to you through prayers. After you pray, you open the heavens to speak to you. Therefore, get settled, ( i mean be quite to hear him) He will tell you something similar to what you prayed for as a direction to your answer.

Before I go to the third way, I want to tell you how I heard God told me about my life purpose as a young minister.

One night, I prayed to God asking him to speak to me. After hours of prayer, I fell asleep and behold I saw a man giving me a book to write and he said he will tell me what to write. To the Glory of God, I'm currently writing the book.

When you have a constant and stable prayer life. It helps you hear from God. Make Prayer your Habit!

3. God speaks to you through his Prophets.

The Children of Israel overcame the enemies because Moses was a God sent prophet over them. They were able to hear from God through Moses His Servant. Your prophet or priest is a very key to hearing from God. There are things God might not tell you directly, he tells his prophet over your life. You should learn to have a constant relationship with him/her and also be obedient to the voice of God spoken through him.

4. He speaks to you through visions/dreams.

Whenever you have a dream, there is a message God is passing across to you. Never neglect this. It is one of the major medium God speaks to everyone. Matthew 2 talks about how God spoke to Joseph through dream to run away with baby Jesus to the land of Egypt because King Herod sought for the life of baby Jesus. Dream and vision is a means God speaks to his people concerning your life, family, destiny. At times, you're busy with the day's work in the market place and He can't speak to you because you are focused on making money, He then waits for you in your dream. Never neglect your dream....I mean each time you get a dream, write it down, seek for  the help of interpretation so you won't misunderstand it. A message from God through dreams can save your whole destiny. Always take your dreams serious!

        READ MORE:

Principles of Effective Prayers

Through the Holy Spirit

 5. Through the Holy Spirit.

The person of the Holy Spirit is needed in our everyday life. The Holy Spirit is a person and not a thing. The account of Jesus' birth told us that Mary Mother of Jesus was impregnated by the Holy Spirit Matt. 1:18 i.e, the Holy Spirit is a person. Having known this, the Holy Spirit speaks to everyone who wants to hear from him.

The big question is: How can I hear from the Holy Spirit?
This question is what we ask on a daily basis. Well, the answer is simply ASK! not just asking but ask in faith. James 1:6. The Holy Spirit is ever present to talk to you. When you ask, you have open the heavens to speak over your life, not only opening the heaven, you also open your inner ears to hear him.

I was in a conference and heard a little boy ask 'is the Holy Spirit freely given?' Lol, I laughed and answered him 'haven't you heard that Jesus said I've to go for the Comforter to come John 16:7. When he comes, he will teach you all things and bring them to your remembrance John 14:26. He is freely given to all men 1 Cor. 2:12.
So you see you have better advantage when the Holy Spirit lives in you.

Note: you cannot have the Holy Spirit if you have not given your life to Jesus Christ, He said I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6.
Since I gave my life to Christ, it has been good upon good. I have not regretted the decision I took.

Repeat aloud this Prayer with me
"I thank you, heavenly father for sending your own son Jesus Christ to die on the cross and pay the penalty for sin. I now believe in him and accept him as my Lord. Thank you that I am saved in him. In Jesus' name, Amen"

Congratulations, you're saved.
Welcome to the Kingdom of God


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