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Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Personal development is one of the non transferable  responsibility of life. You can not blame any other person for how to turn out in life. You are responsible for your own destiny. In my last article on seven consequences of ignorance , I stated clearly the reason why it is important to seek knowledge and what befalls a man as a result of ignorance. Now, I want to state clearly the seven Pillars of Wisdom. Of course, Wisdom as often said is the application of Knowledge. I agree strongly until you apply what you know, you are not wise. Proverbs 8:33-36.  33 Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not disregard it. 34 Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. 35 For those who find me find life and receive favor from the  Lord . 36 But those who fail to find me harm themselves; all who hate me love death.” NIV 1.      Instructions Another word is Training or Correc...
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Four Results of Walking with God

What It Is to Walk with God? First of all, I think I may safely say that for some of us that question needs no answer. God Himself has answered it to us in blessed, unspeakably blessed, experience. But for others of us--yes, many of us--it does need an answer.   This question receives a very plain and simple answer: To walk with God means to live one’s life in the consciousness of God’s presence and in conscious communion with Him, to have the thought constantly before us, “God is beside me,” and every now and then to be speaking to Him, and, still more, listening for Him to speak to us. In a word, to  walk with God is to live in the real, constant, conscious companionship of God. We read that Enoch walked with God, not on a few rare occasions of spiritual exaltation, such perhaps as most of us have known, but for three hundred consecutive years after the birth of Methuselah (Genesis 6:22). It is possible for us to have this consciousness of the nearness and fellowshi...

Twelve Laws of Discipline.

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Seven Consequences of Ignorance

Righteousness is a free gift and received by Faith. Righteousness cancels all of men penalty and gave us a new status before God . Satan is not the greatest problem, he has been defeated, Ignorance is the greatest problem and it can’t be cured by deliverance.  There is a personal responsibility for curing your ignorance. If you don’t do what you should do, what you don’t know will end up killing you. This brings me to the seven consequences of Ignorance. I will be taking this consequences from Isaiah 5:13 " Therefore My people will go into exile because they lack knowledge; her dignitaries are starving, and her masses are parched with thirst" and Hosea 4:6 " My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children" People go into captivity because of no knowledge..Two important things to note from the ...

THREE (3) Reasons Why I Believe the Bible is the Word of God

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What Does Empowerment for Success Mean To You (How to Set Goals)

Most people strive to be successful in life. Regardless of the reason, people always want to be successful. Although for some people,  success comes easy but usually it requires focus and effort . But what really is the best way of setting your goals? When setting your goals either for short term or long term purposes, you need to ensure that you are clear about your goals in life. Whatever beliefs you have in life, you also need to set your goals in place in order for you to bring about your target results and eventually be successful. Why People at Success in Today's World Set your goals : Set your clear goals or those you want to achieve in life. To strive for success without exerting efforts and without specific goals will definitely give you with no definite direction. Visualize all your goals : Visualization is a good practice that can help you in working towards achieving your goals. How to Crush your Lack of Motivation and Stay motivated always ...

The Basis of Empowered Success Mindset

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