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Twelve Laws of Discipline.

Discipline is what stands in between you and success. It’s a character/habit that ought to be cultivated.

Below are the twelve laws of success.
Discipline is what stands in between you and success. It’s a character/habit that ought to be cultivated. These laws of discipline will help you grow.

Time Consciousness.

Getting Control of your time is one necessary habit you must cultivate. It is also known as Time Management. 

Time consciousness also demands you limit your freedom. Any freedom that has no limit leads to bondage.


Surround yourself with people who support you with who you want to become. Being accountable is not slavery as many think, it is a way of helping you get over a negative character.  Seek for a mentor, come down from your high hill.
Who you are accountable to matters. Evil communication corrupts good moral. That is, Evil Environment ends up corrupting Good Character.

Do what is difficult when given a task.

When given a job, tackle the hard, that is where the pass mark lies.There are characters of neglecting the tough that has embodied you, discipline yourself to say a no to it. Never be a slave to doing the light duties and neglecting the tough. What makes you strong is taking tough or hard duties, you might make a mistake, it is never a big thing. What lies in the mistake is Promotion.

Have Vision.

When your life lacks goals, your life has lost control and indiscipline comes it. 

What is Vision? Vision is simply a dream to accomplish. It’s not enough to have dream or vision, what matters is stay through to your vision, be disciplined enough to write them down and walk towards them.

“Run Yourself in Goals”
“Vision Imposes Restrain”
Don’t try to please everybody.

This is very important in the study of discipline. There are certain people in your life you ought to please, e.g. a wife is to please her husband, you are to please God and so on. Also learn to promise small and act much. Learn to say no without feeling guilty.

Planning is a method of getting vision achieved. Planning on paper is vital and must not be neglected. Planning in your head will not get anything done. Discipline yourself enough to plan on paper when you have set goals.

Fight Procrastination.

It often said Procrastination is the thief of time. Never leave for today what you can do for tomorrow. Discipline yourself to achieve that goal meant for today. The more you procrastinate, the more hardship you give yourself in terms of been unable to meet your set goals.
Be Proactive.

Being proactive is to act in advance to deal with an expected change or difficulty. Pro activeness is taking drastic and creative decisions to getting things done. It is also known as a unique or excellent way to making things happen. Also learn to take action and also complete whatsoever you have started.

Set Self Development Goals.

This is specifically in your weakness. How do you want to develop yourself How would you want to develop yourself?
You have to discipline yourself to set these goals to enable you achieve them. It’s necessary.

Establish Daily Routine.

There are things you should constantly get involved in on a daily routine towards success. Establishing daily routine is simply applying work or usual characters towards perfection/ success on a daily basis. It is also habit that should be mastered and frequently done daily to ensuring your productivity at success.

One of the ways to help you establish daily routine is to plan on paper to get rid of some habits against success.

Be careful about relaxation and self indulgent so you don’t fall back to the past life.

Keep promises you made to yourself.

Integrity is not keeping promises you made to people but promises you made to yourself and God. When you repeat promises made to people is called REPETITION. Learn to keep promises you made to yourself.

Build a System to Support your Resolution.

It is not enough to restrain yourself, you have to build a system that would support your resolution. If your resolution is never to occupy your mind with porn so how do you get that done? You have to restrain yourself from watching movies that attracts that thinking. In other words, you to restrain yourself from watching movies that turns you on sexually. Also you can beat the Power of God which is the Word of God.


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